Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thank you

Thank you, a lot, for your comments on the last post.

You know, I am slowly coming to remember that I want to write because I love it, the act of it, and I want to make it a career simply because I don’t want to do anything else with my days.

It’s late now, it’s dark but still warm and I’ve got up from where I was trying to sleep with the sheet wrapped around me as cosy as a doona. My muscles are sore from a swim tonight that was just a splash in the water, not a training session, nor an effort to lose those extra kilos. It was just a splash in the water then, and now it’s late and I can hear light rain falling, it drops with a ping on the metal rail of our balcony.

1 comment:

tunabake said...

hi naomi,
sorry i haven't had a chance to email or look at your blog (new job) i hope your insecurities about writing have passed. i really enjoy reading your blog and think you have a real talent. keep on keeping on!