Monday, December 03, 2007

It's Started

Christmas at our place was officially begun on Saturday. (In previous years, Hayden has tried to keep a lid on my pre-Christmas excitement by decreeing that There Is To Be No Mention of Christmas Prior To The Beginning Of The Month Of December. I think he's now realised that that just focusses my energies even more, to start proceedings with a bang and a flourish on the 1st of the month.) Hayden opened the first window on his (home made, with love, by me) advent calendar; I doused the Christmas Cake in brandy and, of course, we put up the Christmas Tree.

Why yes, it is a Real Pineapple Bush Christmas Tree this year.

Its baby pineapple isn't ready yet, but it's got 21 more days to get itself in order. I'm counting.


Eileen said...

You have a pineapple tree?! That is the coolest thing ever.

tunabake said...

in-gen-ius! how is the weather hotting up for you up there?

Naomi said...

It's definitely turning the corner from warm into h~o~t. I try to move as little as possible during the day just to minimise the perspiration .. I can't even go into the shopping mall for airconditioning cos the syrupy Christmas music forces me straight back out again.