Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Lily at 11

Last week was Lily's 11th week. Just recently, she's transformed from kitten into fully-fledged miniature cat. Oh, she still does kittenish things like chasing string and playing soccer under the dining table with little screwed-up bits of paper. But now when she sees us watching her she'll stop, get self-conscious and sit up tall and neat.

Here she is in my in-tray, waiting patiently to be attended to.


Eileen said...

She's lovely.

Also HUGE congrats on the wedding. I love the picture you posted. The lighting is beautiful.

hp said...

Cutie little big cat.
how is life as mrs going so far?
big hugs & kisses from coold but very sunny and green Finland. first days we had +24C! now it's only +10C brrrrrrrr.. that's cold even so a sydneysider in Autumn. I'll try to get those photos for you.

katherine h said...

Hello Naomi, I am tagging you as part of a blog game. It is like chain mail for blogs, so i don't mind at all if you don't do it, Katherine http://sewblooms.blogspot.com/2008/05/literary-game.html