Monday, December 12, 2005

Townsy by Candlelight

Last night we went to Carols by Candlelight and I am sorry to say that it was woeful, maybe the worst one I have ever been to. It just wasn't heartwarming at all.

No-one was singing along, and the kids were hardly even swaying their candles . The only people who were enjoying the music were the performers, and they were all enjoying themselves a little bit too much. It wasn't even compared by a local newsreader. Isn't that the first rule of Carols by Candlelight?

And I spent far too much time being worried about this little girl whose candle, nestled in the grease stains from her chips, kept tipping dangerously close to her synthetic fairy dress.

But the absolute low point was when I went to queue up for the loo and I missed the arrival of Santa.

"Byyyeeeeeee Saaaaaanntaaaaa"


Mr E said...

You're brave for even going. Crowds, shmaltz, and worst of all, the children. Did it turn into "Mosquitoes by Moonlight" later in the evening?

Naomi said...

actually it did. How did you guess?